Indian man dies from snakebite brother who also died from a snake

An Indian man who last week travelled to the funeral of his brother who died from a snake bite was killed by a snake bite the following day.

Govid Mishra, 22, made the 50 mile journey to Bhawanipur village in the state of Punjab in the north of the subcontinent where his 38-year-old brother’s funeral was taking place.

The lethal reptile snuck up and sunk its fangs into him while he slept after the funeral on Wednesday August 3, Indian news agency PTI report.

Police confirmed Govid’s death from snake bite the following day, just two days after the death of his older brother, Arvind Mishra, also from a snake bite

The same snake attack saw family member Chandrashekar Pandey, 22, also bitten while sleeping in the same property with Govid and remains in hospital in a critical condition.

Govid Mishra, 22, died from a snake bite while he slept after attending the funeral of his brother, Arvind, 38, who also died from a snake bite in the Indian state of Punjab. PICTURED: A man performs with a copperhead snake in Malaysia

Govid Mishra, 22, died from a snake bite while he slept after attending the funeral of his brother, Arvind, 38, who also died from a snake bite in the Indian state of Punjab.PICTURED: A man performs with a copperhead snake in Malaysia

Officer Radha Raman Singh said: ‘Govind Mishara was killed after being bitten by a snake in his sleep.

‘One of the relatives of the family, Chandrashekar Pandey, 22, who was in the same house, was also bitten by a snake.’

Govind and Chandrashekar had travelled together from Ludhiana in Punjab to attend Arvind’s last rites, and it will come as a bitter irony to the rest of the family that they have also been laid low by a snake. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that about 5 million snakebites occur in India each year, without about half of them being piousness.

Reports suggest that between 81,000 and 138,000 deaths occur each year.On top of that, snakebites cause as many as 400,000 amputations and other permanent disabilities. 

Many snakebites go unreported, often because victims seek treatment from non-medical sources or how do i provide first aid for snake bites not have access to health care, so the true number of bites may be much higher.

The most common venomous snakes in India are vipers and cobras, but the common krait is considered the most dangerous, responsible alone for an estimated 10,000 deaths in India each year. 
