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Pang KL, Hyde KD, Alias SA, Suetrong S et al (2013a) Dyfrolomycetaceae, a new family in the Dothideomycetes. Papizadeh M, Soudi MR, Amini L, Wijayawardene NN, Hyde KD (2017) Pyrenochaetopsis tabarestanensis (Cucurbitariaceae, Pleosporales), a new species isolated from rice farms in north Iran. Peng L, Yang Y, Hyde KD, Bahkali AH et al (2012) Colletotrichum species on Citrus leaves in Guizhou and Yunnan provinces, China. Osono T, Masuya H (2012) Endophytic fungi related with leaves of Betulaceae in Japan. Palomares-Rius JE, Hirooka Y, streem Porn free Tsai IJ, Masuya H et al (2014) Distribution and evolution of glycoside hydrolase family members 45 cellulases in nematodes and fungi. Otálora MA, Jørgensen PM, Wedin M (2014) A revised generic classification of the jelly lichens, Collemataceae. Otálora MA, Aragon G, Martinez I, Wedin M (2013) Cardinal figures on a slippery slope-A re-evaluation of phylogeny, character evolution, and evolutionary premiums in the jelly lichens (Collemataceae s. Park SY, Jeong MH, Wang HY, Kim JA et al (2013) Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of the lichen fungus, Umbilicaria muehlenbergii.

Video: GTA V First Person Sex Scenes With Hookers - BlackSportsOnline Parsa SG, Moniri MH, Asoodeh A (2013) A examine on Tornabea scutellifera (Lichenized Ascomycete, Lecanorales) in northeastern Iran. Quilhot W, Cuellar M, Diaz R, Riquelme F, Rubio C (2010) Preliminary study of the lichen flora of Isla Mocha, southern Chile. Poland-a taxonomic and ecological review. Pandit G (2015) Review of lichens of the higher level Ferricretes and Mesas of the North Western Ghats, India. Peláez RN, Moncada B, Lücking R (2014) High range of Ocellularia (Ascomycota: Graphidaceae) in the Colombian Llanos, like two species new to science. Øvstedal DO, Gremmen NJ (2014) Additional lichen documents from Subantarctica III. Øvstedal DO, Gremmen NJM (2009) Additional lichen information from Subantarctica one. The Kerguelen Islands. Øvstedal D, Tønsberg T, Elvebakk A (2009) The lichen flora of Svalbard. Papong K, Boonpragob K, Mangold A, Divakar PK et al (2010) Thelotremoid lichen species recently described from Thailand: a re-analysis. Papong KB, Luecking R, Kraichak E, Parnmen S et al (2014) 20-3 new species in the lichen family members Graphidaceae from New Caledonia (Ostropales, Ascomycota).

Pandit RJ, Bhatt VD, Mukhopadhyaya PN, Joshi CG, Kunjadia AP (2014) Biochemical and molecular characterization of protease from Arthrobotrys conoides and Duddingtonia flagrans. Pavlic D, Slippers B, Coutinho TA, Wingfield MJ (2009) Molecular and phenotypic characterization of 3 phylogenetic species discovered within the Neofusicoccum parvum/N. Park MJ, Shin Hd (2009) A new species of Pyricularia on Commelina communis. Park JH, Shin Hd (2016) Ramularia hydrangeicola sp. Park JH, Cho SE, Hong SH, Choi IY, Shin Hd (2015) Sooty mould on hibiscus rosa-sinensis brought about by Leptoxyphium kurandae is related with extrafloral nectaries. Park MJ, Choi YJ, Hong SB, Shin Hd (2010) Genetic variability and mycohost affiliation of Ampelomyces quisqualis isolates inferred from phylogenetic analyses of ITS rDNA and actin gene sequences. Pavlic D, Wingfield MJ, Barber P, Slippers B et al (2008) Seven new species of the Botryosphaeriaceae from baobab and other indigenous trees in Western Australia. Pastor FJ, Guarro J (2008) Alternaria infections: laboratory diagnosis and pertinent clinical characteristics. Ostry V (2008) Alternaria mycotoxins: an overview of chemical characterization, producers, toxicity, analysis and incidence in foodstuffs. Pandey SP, Sharma S, Chand R, Shahi P, Joshi AK (2008) Clonal variability and its relevance in technology of new pathotypes in the spot blotch pathogen, Bipolaris sorokiniana.

Pažoutová S, Kolařík M, Odvody GN, Frederickson DE et al (2008) A new species sophisticated which include Claviceps fusiformis and Claviceps hirtella. Pažoutová S, Pešicová K, Chudíčková M, Šrůtka P, Kolařík M (2015) Delimitation of cryptic species inside of Claviceps purpurea. Pažoutová S, Odvody GN, Frederickson DE, Chudíčková M et al (2011) New Claviceps species from heat-time grasses. Pažoutová S, Srutka P, Holusa J, Chudickova M et al (2010) The phylogenetic posture of Obolarina dryophila (Xylariales). Papong K, Mangold A, Corush J, Lücking R, Lumbsch HT (2009b) Phylogenetic posture of the foliicolous genus Chroodiscus (Ostropales, Ascomycota) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial ribosomal DNA sequences. Papong K, Lumbsch HT (2011) A taxonomic survey of Lecanora sensu stricto in Thailand (Lecanoraceae Ascomycota). Øvstedal DO, Lewis Smith RI (2011) Four additional lichens from the Antarctic and South Georgia, together with a new Leciophysma species. South Street Seaport Museum. A hands on science museum for youngsters. However, even though Plan 9 is renowned for its lousy production, Manos remained extremely obscure until eventually remaining showcased on a 1993 episode of the movie-mocking sequence Mystery Science Theater 3000, giving it cult status. After washing, the casts are dehydrated in a graded sequence of growing ethanol concentrations and dried in a vacuum desiccator.