Embattled former

Arsenal 3-0 Bodo/Glimt: Gunners maintain fine form with a… Mikel Arteta has ‘no doubts’ that William Saliba ‘wants to… ‘Mikel Arteta is right to set the bar high’: Martin Keown… ‘Everything he does is with purpose’: ‘Fantastic’ Fabio…

‘Mr Carey is prescribed anti-inflammatories and pain killing medicine to help manage the significant pain caused by debilitating football injuries — including a shoulder that needs replacing and a neck injury that requires three discs to be replaced,’ he said upon taking up the Carey case. 

Arsenal 3-0 Bodo/Glimt: Gunners maintain fine form with a… Mikel Arteta has ‘no doubts’ that William Saliba ‘wants to… ‘Mikel Arteta is right to set the bar high’: Martin Keown… ‘Everything he does is with purpose’: ‘Fantastic’ Fabio…

‘I will say that this case is definitely a time to remind parents that it’s very important to know who your children are friends with, whether that’s in the classroom, social media apps, Snapchat, TikTok and then also gaming platforms.’

But Bodo/Glimt’s players were forced to make an unusual and unexpected alteration to their plans ahead of kick-off when their bus was stuck in traffic and struggled to negotiate the narrow north London streets near the Emirates.

Telling me the story of her mother’s trailblazing emancipation with evident pride, she seemed to epitomise a new generation of enlightened Qataris: just the type of woman the emir and his clan purport to admire.

However, a brilliant investigation by Mail on Sunday journalist Nick Harris has revealed that the deaths of 2,823 working-aged foreigners have been recorded as unexplained since the £6.5 billion building blitz began in 2011.

But what, then, of Gary Neville, another of his former Manchester United cohorts, who was also revealed this week to have leapt into bed with the Qataris by signing a deal to be a World Cup pundit on its state-run sports channel?

‘The second 12-year-old female from Lufkin, who Sheriff’s investigators believe was involved with the planning of the shooting, was taken into custody last week and has been charged with conspiracy to commit murder.’

Unlikely as it seems, the avowedly metrosexual Becks — who has declared his pride in being called a ‘gay icon’ — struck up a rapport with the abaya-clad Qatari spice chef and this week he returned for another PR shoot.

A few weeks ago, when Beckham’s new paymasters released his first promotional film — a breezy, cheesy videoblog aimed at boosting Qatar as a stopover tourist destination — he just had to be seen eating a traditional breakfast cooked by the legendary Madam Shams.

His is a cruel, miserable existence, though he didn’t say as much. Rather, he was at pains to point out the generosity of many Qatari people, who fetch him food and water when he works near their houses.

Nor are the white-robed, all-male Qatari police (the promised introduction of female officers has yet to happen) likely to risk causing an international scandal by raiding hotel rooms and fan-zones and dragging people away to be detained and beaten, as routinely happens when the eyes of the world are turned away.

Soon his wife, Victoria, will join him, lending her presence to a prestigious fashion competition for Poker Pkv talented young Arab designers, chaired by her friend Sheikha Al- Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, the sister of Qatar’s ruling emir.

The walls of her café in Doha’s central marketplace (where she remains the only female trader) show photographs of her posing with Hollywood stars such as Tilda Swinton, model Jodie Kidd and other ex-footballers such as Chelsea’s John Terry.

The feelings returned on Wednesday, when I toured the Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium, where England will play Wales. Its an undeniably impressive venue, though hearing boasts about its low carbon footprint as millions of barrels of Qatari oil befouled the planet seemed rather ironic.

At the Al Wakra Souq Hotel, where the England team will stay during the tournament, one of Beckham’s many adorers — a Qatari businessman — told me he was even prepared to forgive him his 65 tattoos, though decorating one’s skin goes against Islamic teaching.

But I shudder to imagine what the Beckhams’ liberal-minded friends — among them Sir Elton John, godfather to their sons Brooklyn and Romeo — would have made of the conversation I had this week with Madam Shams’ daughter, Eman.

‘God has differentiated us from animals. God has created us as men and women. This only happens because people have been sexually abused (as children) and this has made them afraid of people of their own gender.’

On Monday, however, the former England captain had an appointment with a very different kind of ‘spice girl’: a 60-year-old woman whose homespun entrepreneurship has made her an icon for progressive women throughout the Middle East.

As sweat ran from beneath his blue hard-hat, he told me he’d been working on World Cup projects such as this for six years, saving a few pounds each week from his £400 monthly salary in the hope of one day being able to afford to marry his fiancée, whom he dearly missed.