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Trappe JM, Claridge AW, Arora D, Smit WA (2008) Desert truffles of the African Kalahari: ecology, ethnomycology, and taxonomy. Trappe JM, Kovács GM, Claridge AW (2010b) Comparative taxonomy of desert truffles of the Australian outback and the African Kalahari. Trappe MJ, Trappe JM, Bonito GM (2010a) Kalapuya brunnea gen. & sp. Thambugala KM, Fang YC, Camporesi E, Bahkali AH et al (2015a) Pseudodidymosphaeria gen. nov. in Massarinaceae. Tibpromma S, Promputtha I, Phookamsak R, Boonmee S et al (2015) Phylogeny and morphology of Premilcurensis gen. nov. (Pleosporales) from stems of Senecio in Italy. Travadon R, Lawrence DP, Rooney-Latham S, Gubler WD et al (2015) Cadophora species associated with wooden-decay of grapevine in North America. Trouillas FP, Sosnowski MR, Gubler WD (2010) Two new species of Diatrypaceae from coastal wattle in Coorong National Park, South Australia. Tarnowski TLB, Palmateer AJ, Crane JH (2013) First report of fruit rot on Hylocereus undatus caused by Bipolaris cactivora in South Florida. Tomaso-Peterson M, Balbalian CJ (2010) First report of Bipolaris oryzae leading to leaf spot of switchgrass in Mississippi. Tsuneda A, Davey ML, Tsuneda I, Currah RS (2010) Two new dothideomycetous endoconidial genera from declining larch.

Sweat Pants For Life Tian Q, Chomnunti P, Bhat JD, Alias SA et al (2014) Towards a normal classification of Dothideomycetes 5: The genera Ascostratum, Chaetoscutula, Ceratocarpia, Cystocoleus, and Colensoniella (Dothideomycetes incertae sedis). Thambugala KM, Ariyawansa HA, Liu ZY, Chukeatirote E, Hyde KD (2014b) Towards a all-natural classification of dothideomycetes 6: the genera Dolabra, Placostromella, Pleosphaerellula, Polysporidiella and Pseudotrichia (Dothideomycetes incertae sedis). Tian Q, Hongsanan S, Dai DQ, Alias SA et al (2016a) Towards a all-natural classification of Dothideomycetes: clarification of Aldona, Aldonata and Viegasella (Parmulariaceae). Tian Q, Liu JK, Hyde KD, Wanasinghe DN et al (2015) Phylogenetic associations and morphological reappraisal of Melanommataceae (Pleosporales). Tian HZ, Yang Z, Wang S, Hou CL, Piepenbring M (2013) A new species and phylogenetic facts for Nematococcomyces. Tsui CK, Berbee ML (2010) Transfer of two Helicoma species to Troposporella primarily based on molecular and morphological knowledge. The capacity to have interaction in computational analyses benefits from the availability of logged interactional facts when studying how individuals use digital systems, primarily Web platforms that allow for entry to this knowledge for analysis and other applications.

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