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Rachel Whatmore, portrayed by Zoe Lambert, appeared in the serial concerning 2003 and 2005. Rachel is a lesbian and has an affair with Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell). Karen Ellis, portrayed by Tanya Franks, appeared from 2000 to 2003. Karen is engaged to Matt who she finally marries but commences an affair with Kelly, their surrogate. Kelly later dies and Karen reconciles with Matt. Debbie Dingle, portrayed by Charley Webb, appeared in the serial involving 2002 and 2021. Debbie is bisexual and despite the fact that predominantly has interactions with gentlemen, she experienced a romantic relationship with Jasmine Thomas (Jenna-Louise Coleman). Jasmine Thomas, portrayed by Jenna-Louise Coleman, appeared in the serial from 2005 to 2009. Jasmine is bisexual and has a romance with Debbie Dingle (Charley Webb). Marcus Dean, portrayed by Darcy Grey, has appeared in the serial since 2022. Marcus is a homosexual man who begins a romantic relationship with Ethan Anderson (Emile John). Lewis Butler, portrayed by Aidan O’Callaghan, has appeared in the serial since 2022. Lewis is a confident homosexual guy who begins doing work as a barman at the local homosexual bar, The Prince Albert, and can take an interest in Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden), regardless of him getting married to Callum «Halfway» Highway (Tony Clay).

Mila Marwa, portrayed by Ruhtxjiaïh Bèllènéa, appeared in the serial concerning 2020 and 2022. Mila is a lesbian who was kicked out of her religious loved ones household for her sexuality. Ben Tucker, portrayed by Simon Lennon, appeared in the serial from 2020 to 2021. His backstory involves being the target of homophobic bullying from Aaron Dingle (Danny Miller), who he later forms a relationship with. Susie Wilde, portrayed by Louise Heaney, appeared in 1996. Susie is Emma Nightingale’s (Rachel Ambler) ex-girlfriend and has a romance with Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell). Charity is exposed to be bisexual in 2001 when she has an affair with Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell) when in a marriage with Zoe’s brother, Chris Tate (Peter Amory). Jackson Walsh, portrayed by Marc Silcock, appeared in the serial from 2010 to 2011. Jackson is openly gay and embarks on a connection with Aaron Livesy (Danny Miller). Robert Sugden, portrayed by Ryan Hawley from 2014 to 2019. Upon his 2014 return, it is discovered that Robert is bisexual he is engaged to Chrissie White (Louise Marwood) though having an affair with a male, Aaron Livesy (Danny Miller), who he falls in enjoy with. Finn Barton, portrayed by Joe Gill, appeared in the serial from 2013 to 2017. Finn is openly gay and has sexual intercourse with Aaron Livesy (Danny Miller) and Kasim Sabet (Ethan Kai).