Do Not Panic Over A Panic Attack

No matter if you like it or not, panic attacks can effect anyone. Denying this truth will only put you in a worse position to deal with them yourself, or to help others. In order to truly understand panic attacks, you will want to read the expert advice provided in this article.

Find something you really love to do and then, engage in it when you’re having a panic attack. Choose something that is meditative, like gentle Yoga pyramid or knitting, so that you’ll get lost in it and forget what is happening to your body. Make sure you’re able to do this whenever an attack hits.

As you experience a panic attack, you should focus on your feelings and write them down in a journal. You must focus on your REAL feelings, not fears of what might happen to you down the road. Keep to what you feel right now, and how you think those feelings relate to your pre-attack state.

It is hard to cope with panic attacks if you do not have anyone on your side. Having a support system that includes helpful friends can make it easier to face and cope with the difficulties you are experiencing. After all, that is what friends are for.

Remember that medication is only a part of the plan. If you use medication to deal with your anxiety, it is important that you also keep talking to your friends and family about how your regiment and problems are going. Always stay one step ahead of your anxiety and panic attacks.

Concentrate on your navel during a panic attack. Sit or lie down and think about your navel, the center of your body. Your navel feels no tension nor pain and it is your connection to the people you love. Imagine a silver cord going from it to the person you love more than anyone else and then draw their strength through the cord into your body.

Determine what the triggers are for your panic attacks. Do you have a panic attack every time you turn in a project at work? Do you have a panic attack late at night after you’ve seen a scary film? By figuring out situations that seem to bring these attacks on, you can learn to avoid them and hopefully the attacks too.

To summarize, you know that anybody is susceptible to a panic attack. While some people might be at a greater risk than others, and the symptoms may differ, the methods for treatment will generally be the same across the board. Hopefully by reading this article, you will be able to help yourself or somebody else in need.

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