What do the words ‘body clock’ mean to you? Something you associate with jet lag and feeling out of sorts after a long-haul flight?  Or the ticking of a woman’s biological clock? Or the fact some people function better first thing in the morning — and others later at night? In fact, our body clock controls all of these very different things and much more, as I have discovered over the past 40 years working in this fast-emerging field

What do the words ‘body clock’ mean to you?Something you associate with jet lag and feeling out of sorts after a long-haul flight? 

Or the ticking of a woman’s biological clock? Or the fact some people function better first thing in the morning — and others later at night?

In fact, our body clock controls all of these very different things and much more, as I have discovered over the past 40 years working in this fast-emerging field.

Our body clock sets the very rhythms of our lives, affecting everything from how clearly we think and when our digestive systems are ready for food, to when our muscles are at their strongest and whether we will develop cancer. 

It affects our sexual compatibility, when we feel symptoms of illness, and the most effective time to take medication. It affects our decision-making skills and even how we communicate.

What do the words ¿body clock¿ mean to you? Something you associate with jet lag and feeling out of sorts after a long-haul flight? Or the ticking of a woman¿s biological clock?

What do the words ‘body clock’ mean to you?Something you associate with jet lag and feeling out of sorts after a long-haul flight? Or the ticking of a woman’s biological clock?

The clock controls our body’s daily (or ‘circadian’) rhythm in a 24-hour cycle. In so many cases, our ability to succeed or fail — including, for instance, dieting to lose weight — depends on whether we are working with or against these 24-hour cycles.

In this unique series for the Daily Mail and The Mail on Sunday, www.solitaryisle.shop I will explain how to harness these circadian rhythms to revolutionise your health.Today, the focus is on diet, exercise and www.solitaryisle.shop immunity. 

Tomorrow, I will reveal the life-changing new understanding about why symptoms of illness are worse at different times of the day and night — and when you should take your medication.

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Make sure you read Monday’s Mail to see how your body clock could be affecting your relationship and sex life.

<div class="art-ins mol-factbox news" data-version="2" id="mol-dd7a99f0-cd75-11ec-8e1e-81ed9f814b85" website FOSTER: How your body clock governs your weight and sex life