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Mad journal caricaturist Tom Richmond designed the covers of Mad and Tv Guide showcasing Dalton’s Jake Cahill modeled after the artwork of Jack Davis. To restore Larry Edmunds Bookshop, she reproduced the first storefront sign and tracked down time period-acceptable merchandise, even recreating e-book addresses. He even made absolutely sure there were canines transferring all-around …

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Jensen, Erin (July 19, 2019). «Sharon Stone remembers vocation strife following near-deadly stroke: ‘I misplaced all the things I had’». Rabin, Nathan (April 19, 2002). «Beautiful Joe». Bear, Liza Oldenburg, Ann (May 24, 2002). «No manner stone still left unturned». Hornaday, Ann (November 23, 2006). «‘Bobby’ Turns Back the Clock To a Fateful Day». Mike …

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